Precise and fast position determining of a laser spot for geodesy, machine guide technology and quality control.
Laser-Trac is a highly accurate laser sensor, that makes an automatic measuring procedure at a high level of comfort and security possible.
Up to Eighty pairs of coordinates are transferred to the PC-Memory every second. The complete measuring file can be subsequently processed with ease, for example within Microsoft Excel. Using a distance measuring laser enables winning the z-coordinate out of the beam length, so that all three coordinates x,y and z become available.
Example 1
The first Video demonstrates the function of LaserTrac by measuring the straightness.
Example 2
Laser-Trac®: Testing a circle, drawn by an industrial robot
Example 3
Laser-Trac®: How to adjust a Laser-Beam precisely
Example 4
Laser-Trac®: Axis alignment to a known reference alignment
Other applications can be found in geodesy, in the machine instrumentation and in quality control.
The system guarantees not only precise, fast and automatic measuring operational sequence, it also permits the analysis of very small laser intensities.

LaserTrac in size pico, 25, 80 and 160
Laser-Trac 25 and smaller special sizes